Opening on February 14, Sonic Playground, is a groundbreaking and interactive experience that transforms music-making into an engaging, hands-on adventure by merging creativity, education, and cutting-edge technology into one captivating space.
Featuring 17 music-making interactives, Sonic Playground is a groundbreaking space designed for visitors of all ages, regardless of their skills or knowledge, to be playful and creative through music. The interactive space allows visitors to play different roles in the music industry, from rapper, singer, and producer to performer, music supervisor, and voice actor, and discover the myriad ways they could pursue a career in the music industry. Sonic Playground is made possible by a generous donation from Deborah DeBerry Long, dedicated to the legacy of Jim Long.
Learn more about Jim Long’s remarkable life and career here.
Additional donors to the Campaign For Music Education include the Ray Charles Foundation, Deborah DeBerry Long, the Living Legacy Foundation, the Natalie Cole Foundation, and BeatHeadz.
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